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Contact Us

On this page you will find the contact details for Plumstead Neighbourhood Watch and a map of our area as well as municipal and other useful contact numbers.  If you have any numbers or information you think would be useful to display on this page, please feel free to drop us a line here.

Plumstead Neighourhood Watch: Executive Committee
Chairperson Anthea Klugman 072 675 9777
Assistant Chairperson Brenda Besterfield 084 589 1702
Operations Manager Jarryd Munro 078 457 2313
Secretary Sharon Botes 079 469 9885
Public Relations Officer Sabine Kerrison 063 693 3671
Treasurer Glynnis Okkers 072 470 3136
Assistant Op's Manager Nicolas Lorenzo 0655305448
Community Liaison Officer Peter Ruthenberg 082 828 8884
Plumstead Neighbourhood Watch: Management Committee
Membership Administrator Dominique Moller 076 920 9010
Equipment Administrator Clive Besterfield 082 355 2953
Response Team Justin De Vos 0843063566 /
Patrollers Admin Susan Anne Baylis 072 022 3817
Social Media Maxine Leibowitz 072 312 4479
Fundraising Manager Catherine Harland 082 323 4046
Plumstead Neighbourhood Watch Contact Details
Please Contact CVIC 0860 002 669
Emergency Contact Numbers
SAPS Flying Squad (in emergencies, you are encouraged to call this number first) 10111
Ambulance 10177
Fire 107
Metro Police Control Room 021 596 1999
Power Failure 086 012 5001
Water 086 010 3054
Diep River SAPS 021 710 7306/7
Tokai Medicross 021 715 7063
Constantiaberg Medi-Clinic 021 799 2911
Red Cross Childrens Hospital 021 658 5111
Poison Information Helpline 0861 55 5777
Wynberg Fire Station 021 797 6108
Constantia Fire Station 021 794 1128
Constantia Valley Information Centre (CVIC) 086 000 2669
Plumstead Animal Hospital 021 797 1998
Plumstead Animal Hospital (After Hours) 082 321 3135
Kenilworth Veterinary Hospital 021 671 5018
S.P.C.A. Animal Centre 021 700 4140
SPCA Emergency After Hours 083 326 1604
Zone Map