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Welcome to Plumstead Neighbourhood Watch

Be the eyes and ears of the area.

Joining the Plumstead Neighbourhood Watch team keeps you in the loop about local issues like crime, safety, and community events.
Regularly we email community news right to you. You can choose what to receive and the frequency at which you wish to receive it, so why not join now and stay informed?  Upon registration, you have read the Constitution & Code of Conduct and agree to abide by the rules.

PLEASE REPORT ALL CRIMES TO SAPS - LESS REPORTED INCIDENTS = FEWER RESOURCES. The more cases that are opened, the more resources are allocated to our stations.
Snap To Donate
Banking Details:
Plumstead Neighbourhood Watch
Bank: ABSA Current
ACC#: 406 943 8127
Code: 632005

CPF Easter Egg Drive 29th January 2024

Recent Incidents

Burglary Residential WOODGATE RD 51-160 24th July 2024 19:44

Theft of M/Vehicle BURNHAM RD 23rd July 2024 19:51

Robbery Residential SAWLE RD 23rd July 2024 12:30

Burglary Business MAIN RD 21st July 2024 11:00

Robbery Hijacking DICK BURTON RD 15-100 (ODD) 17th July 2024 03:40

Theft Common HANCOCK RD 13th July 2024 15:05

Street Robbery TIVERTON RD 12th July 2024 15:00

Malicious Damage to Property LIBERTY ST 8th July 2024 17:25

Robbery Business MAIN RD 7th July 2024 16:00

Trespassing PALATINE RD 29th June 2024 04:00


Potjiekos Competition   Location: Other - See content When: 19 Oct 2024 @ 15:30


Halloween   Location: Other - See content When: 31 Oct 2024 @ 18:00


Father Christmas gift drop off   Location: Other - See content When: 14 Dec 2024 @ 16:00

Patroler Alerts

To view the mobile site click here 

To view patroller alerts click here 

Patrollers Identity Card

Should you decide to become a patroller it will be necessary for you to apply for a Patrollers Identity Card. You will need to complete the patroller ID application form and provide 2 certified copies of your identity document as well as two passport size photographs. You are also required to have your fingerprints taken for verification by SAPS (Department of Community Safety requirement). The ID application form can be found on the home page under documents.

When completed the ID application form together with the necessary documents and photographs needs to be submitted to your Section Leader for signature. Thereafter you will receive notification regarding a date and time for the fingerprinting to be done. We appeal for your understanding as this process will take time.