The contact us page of the website contains the map of the area (covered under map administration) and various sections containing useful information such as contact names, numbers or email addresses.
Everything you see on this page can be configured in the contact page administrator, from the sections and their contents down to the order in which they display on the page. Within the section you may also create header items with sub items underneath, for instance you might have your local hospital as a header and underneath, the names and contact numbers of the different departments.
The contact section tab is very straightforward. The only thing you can do here is add, edit or delete a contact section. Adding or editing a section involves entering the text for the section name. There are no other attributes to edit.
To delete a contact section, click the trash icon to the right of the item in the table.
The contact details tab contains a table with all the contact items for all the different sections. If you wish to search for a particular item, type any part of of the line into the search bar and it will filter as you type.
Figure 2- Moving a section
To move an item;